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Recycling Procedure

Here's how we recycle old tyres into high quality renewable resources:

The Weigh Up
Trucks arrive at the Tyre Crumb processing plant with a full load of all kinds of rubber tyres. The trucks are then weighed on large industrial scales to ascertain the exact weight of each load.

Getting Sorted
The tyres are then sorted and organised depending on their type, size and make up.

The Break Down
Once sorted, the tyres are cut up into small pieces by heavy machinery. The tyres then travel into a main system where their components: Synthetic Fibre, Steel and Rubber are separated.

Tyre Crumb
The rubber component is then further broken down or 'crumbed' into the specific granule sizes that include; 0-1mm, 1-3mm and 8-15mm.

In The Bag
All the separated components are then bagged and ready to be used in new products. The end? No, a new beginning.

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